How To Know When Your Dog Needs To See A Veterinarian
Just like people, dogs can fall ill from time to time and require medical attention. However, because your dog is unable to talk, it can be tricky to know when they need to see a veterinarian. It is important to know the warning signs of a potentially sick dog. Here are a few ways to know that your dog needs to see a veterinarian. Vomiting It is not unusual for dogs to occasionally vomit if they eat something that their stomach does not agree with.…
Read More »4 Indicators You Need To Take Your Pet Bird To The ER Vet Clinic
Your pet bird can provide companionship when you are alone. As such, you should ensure it is healthy and happy. Although health problems are common in all pets, it is important to know when your pet bird is ill, which can be quite a challenge. Generally, birds are naturally wired to hide signs of injuries and illness to keep predators at bay. However, this article will break down various signs your pet bird needs emergency treatment.…
Read More »When Should You See The Vet About Your Dog's Coat?
Most issues with a dog’s coat warrant a trip to the groomer. If their coat is growing too long or tangling too easily, then, of course, you take them to the groomer. There are, however, some coat problems in dogs that are better dealt with in the vet’s office. Here are some key reasons why you may want to call the vet about your dog’s coat. Your dog’s coat has been dull and brittle for a while…
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