Understanding The Process Of Taking Your Sick Animal To A Vet Hospital

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Most towns across the country have a veterinary hospital. These can be different from emergency pet services that are for severe issues during the after-hours of your veterinarian. When you have an animal that becomes sick from bad food or acting poorly for an unknown reason, you may want to get them seen as soon as possible. This is where your animal hospital steps in. Here are some key points about the process your veterinarian will take to help your pet and to start them on a treatment plan as soon as possible.


The first thing your veterinarian will do is examine your pet. This is to see what the issue is and where the problem is located. From this, they may have blood work done in their on-site lab. They may also have x-rays depending on the nature of the issue. All of this information will come together and help the veterinarian have a diagnosis. This will lead to the next phase of the process. 

Surgery or Treatment

Depending on what is wrong with your pet, the veterinarian will schedule surgery or start treatment. The treatment may be a course of antibiotics. It may also be an ongoing treatment your pet will need moving forward. If it is surgery, they will discuss the options with you. They will discuss the pros and cons of the surgery. This will help you decide how you want to move forward. They will also discuss any out-of-pocket expenses you may have as well. 


In many cases, the veterinarian may want your pet to stay overnight for observation. This will be in their pet hospital with a vet tech or nurse there the entire time. Your pet will be watched over, their vitals checked, fed, and watered. If they are able to go to the bathroom without a catheter, the tech will take them for a small walk. This is all part of having a veterinarian hospital with the services and abilities to help your pet on-site. If your pet suddenly starts to feel sick or acts like something is wrong, contact your animal hospital. They can schedule an appointment or advise you to come directly in to have your pet seen. If you have a pet insurance plan, make sure to let them know that when you make the call. They can let you know if they accept the insurance and what they need from you when you arrive at the hospital. 

