Questions Owners Often Have before Their Dogs Have Surgery

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Knowing that your dog has to have surgery can be a little scary. You know that it's what's best for them, but you still worry! In your concerned state, you may forget to ask the vet certain questions you have about veterinary surgery and the recovery process. Luckily, you can find some of the answers you're looking for below.

1. Will your dog be asleep during surgery?

Most veterinary procedures are performed under general anesthesia. So yes, your dog will be asleep and unable to feel any pain during the procedure. Your vet will listen to your dog's heart and probably also run some blood tests prior to surgery in order to make sure it's safe for them to undergo anesthesia.

2. Will your dog need to stay overnight following the procedure?

Yes, in most cases, your vet will want to keep your dog in the vet hospital for at least one night post-surgery. This way, their staff can more easily observe the dog, and care is just seconds away if needed. Dogs are usually sent home to continue their recovery the next day. If your dog's procedure was more extensive, such as if they had an amputation, they might need to stay in the hospital for a few extra days.

3. Will your dog need to have stitches removed after surgery?

The surgeon may close your dog's incision with either stitches or staples. In either case, they will need to be removed, which is usually done about 2 weeks after surgery. Most veterinary surgeons prefer if you bring the dog back to them for stitches removal since this allows them to check on the incision and be sure it is healing properly. However, if the surgical center is a long way from your home, you might be able to make arrangements to have your ordinary vet remove the sutures instead.

4. Will your dog be in pain after surgery?

Your dog will have some discomfort in the incision. The pain they experience otherwise depends on the procedure that was performed. But don't dismay; your vet will prescribe pain relievers for your dog to have for a few days to a week post-surgery. This will keep them comfortable as they begin to heal.

If you have any additional questions about your dog's surgery, call your vet. They should be happy to answer. It's part of their job, and they want the best for their patients.

To learn more about veterinary surgical services, contact a professional near you.  
