Three Injuries That Need Over-The-Counter Pet Wound Care

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Dogs are very loyal creatures that do not complain that much and expect very little out of you in return for the unrequited love that they offer. Sometimes this can mean that owners take their health for granted a little, and this is a common mistake after you see just how strong and resilient they can be. However, an active dog will have injuries, especially if you take them for a lot of walks outside or generally enjoy being with them outdoors. Here are three injuries that you should seek immediate, over-the-counter pet wound care for.

A Decent Loss Of Blood

Dogs are much smaller animals than humans and have a lot less blood to lose before they will start becoming very weak. Any sort of deeper laceration that is causing blood to pour out at a constant stream requires immediate care and cannot be just patched up with a towel or some bandages you have at home. A vet needs to give your dog stitches and potentially more, and then after that, you will need to replace the bandages and treat the area for a few days or a couple of weeks before the dog gets back to normal. Don't delay, as time is of the essence here.


Dogs are not very good actors, so if they show you a symptom for more than a couple of seconds, it is likely that they are really suffering from that problem rather than just trying to get attention. If your dog is limping, there are a whole range of issues that it could be related to, from a busted ACL to a broken bone. Whatever it may be, it needs to be examined by a vet to ensure that it heals properly and that you have the right over-the-counter pet wound care products to take care of your dog at home.


Dogs can be prone to making mistakes around fires just like humans, and occasionally hounds will get a little too close for comfort and burn themselves. Any sort of burn on an animal requires similar care to what a human would get, just that instead of them doing it themselves, you will need to do this for them. That means getting the right creams and ointments and applying them at regular intervals, as well as making sure that the dog doesn't lick them off (it may be time to get out the old dog cone). 
