5 Signs Of A Life Threatening Allergy In Your Dog

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Just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies. Many of the culprits are similar — certain foods, pollen, and insect stings are some of the top allergens for a pup. Prompt treatment may be necessary as some allergic reactions can be deadly.

1. Hives

Hives and itchy skin are some of the most common allergy symptoms. Your pup may develop angry-looking red bumps, which can lead to excessive scratching or even skin chewing in response to an allergen. Hives can appear anywhere on the body, including the torso, chest, face, legs, and paws. Treatment is necessary to stop the itching and prevent further allergic reactions.

2. Stomach Upset

Some allergens affect your puppy's stomach, particularly if they eat something that contains an allergen. Your dog may begin to vomit or they may suffer from diarrhea. Continued stomach upset may also cause your pet to avoid eating and drinking, which can lead to further health concerns. Stomach problems are a symptom of an anaphylactic allergic reaction, which can be deadly, so it's vital that you contact an emergency vet right away. 

3. Head Tilting

Itchy ears, with or without hives or a rash, are often the symptom of a minor allergic reaction so they aren't cause for concern. The issue becomes an emergency if your dog begins tilting their to one side or seems to suffer balance issue. This means that an allergy rash may have spread into the inner ear or that constant scratching may have lead to inner ear damage.

4. Swollen Face

Puffy eyes, swollen cheeks, or irritation around the mouth and nose are all common allergy symptoms. There may also be drainage from the eyes and nose. Many allergens can lead to a swollen face, including pollen and insect sting allergies. It can be difficult to assess the severity of this reaction, though, especially if the swelling seems to be severe. For this reason, it's a good idea to check in with a vet to make sure that a deadly reaction isn't a risk for your dog. 

5. Respiratory Difficulty

Any respiratory problems must be treated as an emergency and a call should go to a vet immediately. Wheezing, coughing, or gagging are all signs of a major allergic reaction. Failure to treat quickly can lead to breathing difficulties or worse. Your emergency vet can stabilize your pet and treat the allergic reaction so they can breathe properly again. 

Contact an emergency vet center if your dog has any of these signs of a major allergic reaction.
