Lymphoma In Cats: What You Should Know About Symptoms And Treatments

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Cats are animals that can develop various diseases and forms of cancer, just like humans. One of the more common types of cancer in cats is lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the blood, specifically the white blood cells. The lymphatic system and lymph nodes are also impacted, which is what gives the cancer its name. The symptoms of lymphoma can vary in cats and can sometimes masquerade as other illnesses. Knowing the symptoms to watch out for as well as the treatments your vet can provide if your cat does develop lymphoma can help you to get your cat swift and effective treatment for their cancer. 

Unexplained Weight Loss

If your cat begins to lose weight seemingly out of nowhere, this is a telltale sign that they have something wrong with them. Weight loss is a common sign of cancer, including lymphoma. Keep an eye on your cat's weight, and if they start losing without being put on a special diet or increasing activity levels, a trip to the vet for evaluation is likely in order. 

Loss of Appetite

Another related sign of lymphoma in cats is a loss of appetite. If your cat is usually a happy eater and now seems to be disinterested in their food, you have a problem on your hands. A lack of appetite alone can be a sign of many health issues, including lymphoma and other cancers. Getting your cat checked out by a vet can help rule out certain causes of the appetite loss. 


If your cat starts to vomit fairly often or even every once in a while when they did not do so before, you may not think too much of it at first. You might assume they have a stomach bug or that they simply ate too much or too fast. However, vomiting in cats should be rare if it happens at all. 

When your cat develops vomiting, you should consult with your vet right away. They will likely want to run some tests on your cat to check their blood levels (which can help detect lymphoma). 

Treatment Protocol

If your vet runs blood and other tests on your cat and comes to the conclusion that your cat has lymphoma, you may be wondering what comes next. Generally, the best treatment option for lymphoma in cats is chemo. Sometimes, a vet will also recommend surgery for larger masses or if the cancer has yet to become widespread. However, chemotherapy is the most common treatment option for lymphoma in cats. 

Lymphoma in cats is not something you ever want to deal with. However, being able to recognize the signs something is wrong can get your cat a quick diagnosis and early treatment that can help them immensely. For more information on pet care and illness, contact your vet.
