Still Not Hungry? 4 Reasons Why Your Dog Has Lost Its Appetite

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When you think about anorexia, you usually think about human beings. You might not realize that dogs can suffer from anorexia, as well. However, with dogs, anorexia simply means that your dog is no longer eating – for whatever reasons. Dogs may go through bouts of partial anorexia where they'll eat some foods, but not others. They may also dip into periods of anorexia. If your dog hasn't been eating, and it's been going on for several days, it's time to get to the root of the problem. Here are just a few of the reasons why your dog may have stopped eating.

Your Dog Is Suffering from an Illness

Illness is just one of the reasons why dogs temporarily lose their appetites. In most cases, an upset stomach will only last a day or two, and then your dog will be back to normal. However, in more serious cases, your dog may stop eating for longer periods of time. When that happens, it's important that you look for signs of possible illness. If your dog has a total loss of appetite combined with weakness, lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhea, it's time to head to the veterinarian.

Your Dog Is Dealing with Environmental Issues

Anxiety and depression are other reasons why dogs may lose their appetite. Sometimes, anxiety and depression can come on quickly, especially when there are environmental issues involved. If there have been environmental changes within the household, such as a new baby, new puppy, new pet sitter, etc., your dog could be reacting to those changes. Addressing those changes may help your dog get its appetite back. However, if the problem persists, you should talk to your veterinarian. It might be time to consider an anti-anxiety medication for your dog.

Your Dog Has Recently Been Vaccinated

Vaccinations can also cause your dog to lose its appetite, especially if its a new vaccine that your dog has not previously received. If your dog has suffered a loss of appetite after receiving vaccinations, watch for a few days to see if the problem resolves itself. If your dog continues to suffer from a loss of appetite, schedule an appointment with the veterinarian. Your dog may be suffering from an adverse reaction to the vaccination, which is causing the loss of appetite.

Your Dog Has a Problem with Its New Diet

Changes in diet can affect your dog's appetite, especially if it was fond of the previous food it was receiving. If you've recently changed dog foods, or had to cut certain treats out of its diet due to health concerns such as obesity, your dog may be having a problem adjusting to the new food. Talk to your veterinarian about adjusting its diet again. You may have to go through a system of trial and error until you find a food that your dog will enjoy.

For more information, reach out to businesses like Berlin Township Animal Hospital.
