Lyme Prevention For Pets

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Lyme disease affects both humans and animals. You may already be periodically checking your family for signs of the ticks that carry the bacteria which lead to the condition. However, your pets also require attention if they enjoy time outside; these Lyme prevention tips may protect them from being an unwitting victim of this disease  

Use Repellent Collars

A basic, primary defense against this condition is to use repellent collars. There are many who just assume their dog or cat is immune to Lyme disease and don't bother with collars; this could have serious implication for your pet's health. Your vet could recommend particular brands or products, so you can select the best. Some of these collars also protect against fleas.

Chemically Treat Your Property

Your own front and backyards might not seem so forest-like to you, but ticks can travel into your grass and infect you or pets with Lyme disease. You might contact landscapers to regularly spray the grass and bushes with an anti-insect repellent.

Do Tick Checks

After your pet has some outdoor time, habitualize the practice of looking for ticks already starting to burrow into your pet's skin. Dark spots which were never there before are a sure giveaway; infecting ticks may look like dots on the skin or beneath fur. Look behind ears and knees, and ensure you're checking necks.  

Tick checking is vital because you don't want ticks to get into the house with your pets. When pets lay on beds, couches, and other places, they may ultimately be sharing a disease-carrying tick with you or family members.

Know Symptoms

Many already understand that on humans, a so-called "bullseye" rash may develop and spread if Lyme is present. However, sometimes a rash won't be present or as noticeable as expected on pets. After a day on trails or sitting on a grassy spot, start monitoring pets for:

If you've seen ticks and removed them already, you may think the problem is already gone and neutralized, especially if no rash exists. Vet visits could be informative and valuable.

These Lyme suggestions can preserve your pet's skin and cut risks of contracting the disease and sending it on to you. Your veterinarian will also likely discuss the Lyme vaccine with you; understanding the benefits of the injection may encourage you to have your pet vaccinated and better protected.
